I have been an artist for over 10 years and during my art education I really got all the skills and developed my talent for painting. But that did not fulfill me and my soul. I always planned, what I will paint and try to stay in a box of knowledge that I had. It took me some time to realize that art can not be a product of mind, like I was taught in school. I must create with heart, not just art, but everything.
I am not saying that school type of education is not necessary, I learned so much and had a chance to learn from great artists. All that helped me understand colors, shapes and relations, getting familiar with different art techniques, discovering art history and magnificent works of art, their stories and misteries, hanging out with like minded people and going on several art camps. It was all wonderful, but after that I really had enough of art and few years didn’t touch the canvas very often.
When you have something in you, you have it, right? So it wasn’t a coincidence that after I finished my University education of architecture, felt kind of lost and didn’t know, what to do. What do I really like and have put aside? What should I do now? Architecture is not so creative as I thought… All that went through my mind and then I started painting again. I made several new paintings and in 2012 organized myself an exhibition.
Finally I started to search my own voice in art. I fell in love with the texture, that I still use in my recent works. It took me some years to find myself and connection to my art. I believe it is an everlasting process of learning, growing and developing yourself and your art. Lately I am discovering new ways to express with intuitive art and this is one of the paintings in process.
When I asked you, what do you see in it, how do you feel about this painting, I got different answers. Some were very cute: strawberries, poppy and Alice in Wonderland :) I may share my own interpretation, when I feel like it is finished 🙂
Every artwork has a story, you can read some of mine:
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